Corporate Job Shadowing

Palm students are given several opportunities to acquire professional hands-on experiences and networks before graduating. Job Shadowing gives our students the opportunity to choose up to five (5) corporate destinations to shadow for 1-2 weeks before making a decision to intern at a particular corporate destination.

By doing this, students would have an understanding of the kind of professional work environment they would work best in. This is also designed to help the student catch a glimpse of what the student envisions as a chosen career path.

This experience also allows the student to acquire enough information to commit to a 3-month internship with a chosen company or help them decide they need to commit somewhere else.

By participating in Job Shadowing, students get a feel for what an internship or actual job would be like at that specific place. All Palm students who are unsure of where to intern are encouraged to participate in Job Shadowing. If a student decides to Job Shadow, the student and employee/employer will have to sign an agreement and the student will be monitored by Palm through the process.


This program is required for all Palm students; particularly students who are indecisive on placement for their internship.


The Job Shadowing Program will last no more than 2 weeks.

Year of Participation

Students can participate in the Job Shadowing Program in their 2nd semester at Palm.

Pass or Fail

This is not a pass nor fail program. Palm students are encouraged to participate for their own professional development.

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