Palm Corporate Internships
All Palm students are required to complete a three-month, full time (35-40 hours/week) internship during the second-year summer break – long vacation. Internships are however encouraged all year round. The purpose of the internship program is to encourage students to learn and acquire hands-on skills that are relevant to their chosen career paths.
Students gain insights into different career opportunities while getting to meet and network with experienced professionals during this period. They also have an opportunity to apply what they have learned in their seminars and lectures to real-world scenarios. Today’s corporate environment requires practical skills for hiring the most effective set of employees. The Palm Career Services Department organizes career workshops, mock interviews, and resume/CV writing workshops to help prepare the students for the rigors of the corporate environment in Ghana and beyond.
Internship Placements
Students are to be placed with our partner organizations through the assistance of the Career Services Office. Placements will depend on company needs as well as the student’s chosen area of study and personal interests. Palm will assist students in securing an internship that suits the student’s interests and career aspirations.

What is Expected of Our Students?
Students are expected to treat the internship like a job. They must arrive on-time, wear appropriate business attire, be prepared to work and participate in projects if asked of them by their supervisors. Before beginning the internship program, students must meet with their supervisor at their respective company to discuss goals and projected outcomes for the internship experience. If a student fails to meet the expectations of the company and Palm throughout their time at their internship placement, they will be required to repeat this class the following semester until they pass the class.
What is expected of Companies Hosting Interns?
In agreeing to host an intern for a 3-month period, companies and their staff are agreeing to work with students in a hands-on professional environment. Typically, student interns should be assigned to one particular department, and encouraged to observe, learn and assist with one or two projects. While student interns may assist with other administrative tasks if needed, repetitive tasks (i.e. photocopying, answering phones, and running errands) should take up no more than 25% of the student’s time. This is a learning and opportunity for students. Companies working with student interns should take the time to teach hands-on skills and enhance professional development as much as possible.